Late last year Pulford began work on a way we could use technology to connect the people we support in homes to their friends and family through lockdowns and COVID restrictions. Through the United Way we were able to secure funding for an iPad to be purchased for every home which were distributed in our weekly PPE kits.
These iPads are not just used for those connections though, as we’ve also gone to partner with community based arts and fitness organizations to bring activities directly to the people we support through platforms like Zoom. These activities were voted on by the people we support and their staff so that we could bring to them only their most requested activities. We’ve partnered with The Wpg Art Factory for painting and crafts, someone who will do pilates instruction and someone who will do music therapy.
Over the weekend our first activity night was hosted by The Wpg Art Factory in the form of a fun Paint Nite, where the people we support purchased their own materials and sat down in their homes to follow along and paint together. Feedback from this first activity night was very positive and we’re very excited to offer more fun activities over the coming months. Remember to follow our social media channels to keep up to date on all the things we’re doing.