What a start to July. In a span of two weeks, we were quite busy hosting three BBQ's in three different regions of Manitoba, Ste. Anne (July 4), Winnipeg (July 10) and Lundar (July 11). We would like to take this opportunity to specifically thank everyone who came out to the Ste. Anne and Lundar picnic in the midst of the heat wave we experienced. To the volunteers who took time from their busy day to help hand out food, pick up garbage and interact with our giant wooden games. And to the businesses and individuals who contributed financially to help put this great event on. Your attendance and support made a lasting impression by showing us we're not just an employer, we are part of the community!

Thank you to those who donated towards the Ste. Anne Picnic - Dr. Hein, La Cocina, Clearview Consumers Co-Op Ltd, Anne Markmann Financial Tax Services, and the Ste. Anne Police department. 

Thank you to those who donated towards the Lundar Picnic - Chicken Chef (bouncy Castle), Steven's Foods, NAPA, and the RM.

Below are some photos of the events 


butterfly painted on face
group shot
kids getting face painting
enjoying the sun
handing out food
a man eats a hotdog
a giant game of Jenga comes to an end
people sit on a picnic bench
a man poses for a photo