Last week our executive team here at Pulford Community Living Services invested in the future of our leaders and employees with a day-long training session designed around Performance Management. The training was designed and facilitated by our HR team and was built for the purpose of aligning our leaders to provide them with the knowledge, tools and resources to manage their teams in a supportive, fair and consistent manner.

The HR team reviewed the importance and value associated with following sound best-practices and processes that leads to employees feeling supported, respected and valued at Pulford. We talked about having difficult conversations when it comes to accountability for not meeting expectations and shared tools and resources to assist when employees are struggling to meet job expectations. We provided leaders with alternative problem-solving solutions that lead to positive outcomes. Towards the end of the training, leaders worked in groups and were given realistic case-studies of employee scenarios and asked to incorporate the training elements to resolve difficult situations in a fair and consistent approach, regardless of the situation they were presented with. Each group was asked to report out on their approach and a very healthy and productive discussion ensued, which reinforced their learnings throughout the day.  Our employees are valued and appreciated and critical to the success of Pulford. It’s important that we have a workplace that allows employees to grow and develop their skills which leads to a culture where every one of us are proud to come to work and feel respected and supported. The feedback we’ve received from comment cards has been very positive and will help us so we can continue to provide more meaningful training in the future.

Pulford believes strongly in investing in our staff to make sure that their professional development is always moving forward and they are always growing and improving their skills. We are committed to continuous improvement and we recognize that our employees are our greatest asset, therefore we will continue to provide learning opportunities that will lead to an environment where everyone can thrive.  
